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Friday, September 3, 2010

Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class

The Ferrari 599XX is no doubt one of the best looking car out there right now. We were just talking about this car over the weekend and saying that it’s probably the best designed modern Ferrari model currently in existence.

Whether be it red, white, black or any other color as previously posted during its track debut, it doesn’t matter. I still find my self salivating about this car. When I have an artist block, this is what I look at. It’s like a viagra for my brain.

But recently at the Paul Ricard High Test Track, couple of 599XX were spotted by photographerSevan Calians. What made this duo a bit more attractive to me (if that was even possible) was that it was wearing a new finish. Matte paints!

Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive ClassThe matte finish suits both cars just right. It was like the car was meant to be finished in Matte.

Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class
Ferrari 599XX Best Automotive Class

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