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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Every 15th of each month, the blog Expresso da Linha, from Portugal and Varal de Idéias, from Brazil, set a Collective Blogging with a theme or a question. This current theme is My Idol. Come to join us clicking on Mister Linky.

My grandmother Rita and my grandfather Felício were my role models, my idols. They were lovely and adorable person. We was very close and we loved each other so much. Ever since I can remember, both had always been there for me and they were my inspiration. They both were talented teachers, loved each other so much, had four childrens and also they were dedicated parents and grandparents. My grandmother died at the age of 88 and my grandfather at the age of 96. They were truly a remarkable human being. This post is my homage to them.

My grandfather Felício.

My grandmother Rita. Both were parents of my mother.

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