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Sunday, October 12, 2008



Yesterday I received the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award through Ken Mac at the great
Greenwich Village Daily Photo. Thank you so much Ken Mac, your beautiful pictures and interesting issues inspire me on a regular basis and allow me to travel in my imagination to New York City, specially to Greenwich Village!

Now it is my turn to give the award to other deserving bloggers following these rules:

1. Only five people are allowed.

2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.

3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.

4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.

I must to say that I would love to award all my dedicated followers.... but according to the rules, I have the pleasure to award the following blogs, from five countries of the world (by alphabetic order):

1. Caliandra do Cerrado, Elma (Brasil)

2. Lisbon Daily Photo , Mary Jo (Portugal)

3. Peter's Paris, Peter (France)

4. Pietro Brosio Gallery, Pietro (Italy)

5. Slinding Through Life, Rachel (USA)

Please visit these blogs to enjoy their excellent photos and personal experiences of their native cities.


I have been having troubles last days with my computer and I'm having post troubles too. So I just wanted to let you know that I am going to take a little blog break for about the next two weeks. I just bought a new computer and I can’t wait for my new pc to arrive and solve my problems! I will try my best to visit all my friend's blog. I do hope I could be ready to ECOLOGICAL DAY, November 2th. Now I let you all with some photos taken from my neighborhood.

Tenho tido constantes problemas no meu computador e também nas minhas postagens. Assim, vou fazer uma pausa de duas semanas para poder formatar o pc e esperar pelo novo que acabei de comprar. Farei o possível para continuar visitando os amigos. Espero estar com o computador em ordem para o ECOLOGICAL DAY, no dia 2 de Novembro. Aqui estão algumas fotos tiradas da minha vizinhança.

These two first photos are my submission to Tertúlia Virtual, which theme next 15th is "FLY". Com estas duas fotos, estou participando da Tertúlia Virtual, cujo tema do próximo dia 15 é "VOAR".

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