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Monday, September 15, 2008


Today we have two Collective Blogging with the theme Solidarity:

Tertúlia Virtual - Virtual Gathering - hosted by Eduardo, from Varal de Idéias (Brazil) and by Jorge, from Expresso da Linha (Portugal). Click on Mister Linky to see another participant. And Justiça para Flávia (Justice for Flávia) - created by the mother of a girl that have been in a coma for ten years now.

Scenes of a Rescue

I would like to show up a serie of photos that I found at Internet about the rescue of a dog by two boys. I think these photos can express the means and the spirit of Solidarity. I would like to thank to the photographer (I could not know his name) that took these amazing pictures.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

The Happy End

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