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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today is the National Dog Day in USA. Here in Brazil the Dog Day is in October 4th. Created by the National Dog Day Foundation, National Dog Day has two goals: to honor dogs and to rescue dogs from homelessness and abuse. It's an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the value and importance of dogs in our lives.

I just found in Jan, from "The Pritz Family" , in Dot, from "Strolling Through Georgia (and Sometimes Alabama)" and in Shammickite, from "Rook's Nest", a nice homage to their dogs. I like to join this homage, posting photos of my adorable friend Flora. By the way, as Flora was rescue as a little puppy by my daughter, no one knows exactly when Flora was born... then Sofia chooses September 3th. Flora will be eleven years old soon.

Happy Birthday dear Flora!

My husband and Flora: both loves each other!

Flora loves to take a nap in a chair

After her bath she loves enjoying the sun in a beautiful day

Young Flora

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