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Thursday, December 27, 2007


Kim from the website KIMBOOKTU lives in The Hague, in The Netherlands. She has been an avid book lover and bibliophile since she was 18 and one day she decided to start a blog with reading gadgets. So you must come to visit YOUR SHELVES!

This is my bookshelf on Your Shelves!, December 9, 2007.

If you would like to see your bookshelf on Your Shelves! just write to Kim and send one good photo of your library via this e-mail link.

Information about the rule: Make sure the picture is exactly 500 pixels wide if horizontal. You can add a couple of lines describing your library, but make sure it does not exceed a hundred words (or five lines in Word). Please state your name and where you are from in your e-mail. If you have cataloged your books online via LibraryThing, Shelfari or something else, please send the link to your catalog too.

You can see some posts about Books I did
here, here and here.

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