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Thursday, October 11, 2007


With this post I guess I'm starting a new series of some interestings sites I have found wandering over Internet. As a matter of fact my last post about newspaper's sculpture was the first one of this series I named "What I saw on the Internets".

Photo by New York Daily Photo

So, I saw for the first time on New York Daily Photo (Brian's blog) this amazing sculpture, "Sfera con sfera", that means "Sphere with Sphere" created by the Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. Pomodoro was born on June 23, 1926 in Morciano, Romagna, Italy and currently lives and works in Milan. (You can see his sculptures here and here)

Photo by Marco Cortesi Photo Gallery

Photos by The Vatican and Environs

Some of Pomodoro's "Sfera con Sfera" can be seen in the Vatican Museums, Trinity College in Dublin, the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C. and the University of California, Berkeley.

Photos by Marco Cortesi Photo Gallery

Some of the highlights include a controversial fiberglass crucifix for the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The piece is topped with a fourteen foot in diameter crown of thorns which hovers over the figure of Christ.

The sculptor also traveled to Brazil on the occasion of his participation in the 1963 São Paulo Bienal, where he was awarded the International Sculpture Prize.

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