This was held on a Saturday night at the Panmure 10 Pin Bowling Complex and was organized by Delia and Paul.
Delia organized the three teams into the three lanes held for us. There was a drink (glass of wine, handle of beer or a small bottle of soft drink) plus a very nice hamburger that arrived on a food trolley to the lane complex we had. The cost wasn't too bad as we had two complete games and the refreshments for $22. Before the bowling began a few of us had a play on the 2 cent Poker Machines that flashed and beckoned in the far corner, none of us made a fortune I am afraid.
There was a great deal of laughter and cheering and advice as members tried to knock down the pins, one person reckoned one was glued down as all the others would fall except this one. After the bowling was over some of the big boys played on the simulated car racing machines I am afraid I would not like to be with Ant in his racing car as it did some spectacular end over ends and ended up very battered, both him and Paul won one race each. Then there was the Fighter plane one and a table game that was fast and furious two or more people slamming yellow disc's up and down a table until they dropped into a slot at the other end. The games have certainly altered over the years you have to have very fast reflexes these days.
After all the fun was over we made our way to the car park and all our modern cars and made our different ways home. A much bigger turn out than usual, all I think in modern cars as the older cars are difficult at night on Auckland streets and the motorways, those there were....Brian and Bev, John and Janice, Paul and Delia, Bob and Gwen, Bud and Thelma, Chris and Mel & his daughter Alison, Steven and friend Irene, Martin and work mate Josh, Ant and Karen.
There were some good scores on the night including Alison with 203 (a little assistance here as when she slid the ball down the assisting slide, barrier arms came up to prevent the balls going in the gutter a great way for children to enjoy the game). But the final tally up by Delia of the score sheets makes, Martin in first place, Delia in second, and Ant in third. Congratulations to these people.We must do it again next year some time as a lot of fun is had by those that come along.