Photo by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro
Photo by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro
Photo by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro
Photo by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro
Photo by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro
First of all I would like to thanks to everyone that participated in this Bookshelves Post. It was a pleasure hosting you all. So, I choose one photo of each friend to show up in this post and also a little narrative which follows their picture. Thank you all for making it enjoyable!
Update 2: I am so glad because we have one more participant showing his books, Adelino P. Silva, from Mais ou Menos Nostalgia. He is the 15th participant!
Update: I am very glad that Tabor, from One Day at a Time shows up her bookshelves and joining us! She is the 14th participant!
1. Gená Franco, from Entretantos...: "A foto do meu escritório vai para a Sonia com minhas desculpas, sabe como é foto de celular + escritório desarrumado".
2. Britt-Arnhild from Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods : " I have always said about myself that I love reading books. And I love owning the books I read. Which means that there are books everywhere in our house. More bookshelves or not. I keep on buying books. I do borrow from friends and from the library from time to time. But that's not the same. A book is totally different when you own it yourself. You know the smell, you know how it feels to hold, you now the coffee stains and the pencil marks and the donkey ears (Do you say donkey ears in English????)"
3. Judy from Imagine What I’m Leaving Out : "The main bookshelves, sprinkled liberally with family treasures and photos. We had these shelves built when we moved into the house. Otherwise, we'd have had no place to put our books. Unthinkable!" 'Books are delightful society. If you go into a room and find it full of books - even without taking them from the shelves they seem to speak to you, to bid you welcome. ~William Ewart Gladstone'"
4. Freefalling from Freefalling : "Here a book - There a book -Everywhere a bookbook..... Yes, I have books all over the house - wanna make something of it?And yes, I may be what some people refer to as a "bit nerdy".But I love to read - always have, hopefully always will.I've had to take to borrowing books from the library because we have no more room in our house for the books I buy!I think the solution is easy - build a new house!"
5. Geraldo from 21st Century Grandpa : "In her blog, Leaves of Grass, Sonia wrote about her books and published pictures of here bookshelves, suggesting that her readers do the same. My problem is that my bookshelves are never tidy, but since what matters is to encourage more people to show their books, here are the pictures of the bookshelves in my office and my sons' bedrooms. What's missing are grandma's cooking books and all those that are hidden in many closets and boxes..."
6. PJ from Golden Oasis : "Mind you, my books are not completed organized the way I want because just to get them out of their stuffy boxes was the goal after the move! Of course, one of the many things that sold this house on me were the complete bookcases on either side of the fireplace insert in the family room! I recall when we were discussing about three houses we had narrowed it down to- I certainly had my input about this one having 'those bookcases' you know what my husband had said? "What bookcases- I don't remember them?" *shudder* ..needless to say, on the second walk through I pointed them out!!!"
7. Eduardo Penteado Lunardelli from Varal de Idéias : "A nossa grande amiga SONIA DE AMORIM MASCARO, dos premiados blogs LEAVES OF GRASS AQUI (em PORTUGUÊS) e AQUI ( EM INGLÊS ) nos fez uma convocatória IRRECUSÁVEL: postar fotos dos NOSSOS LIVROS. Estão TODOS convidados a fazê-lo, e serão linkados pela Sonia. Aqui estão as minhas, desordenadas, prateleiras de livros. Como estão espalhados pela casa, e atelier, fui obrigado a fazer mais de uma foto."
8. Belinha Fernandez Figueira da Foz from Palavras Cruzadas : "Como podem, ou melhor, como não podem ver, essas prateleiras estão derreadas com o peso de livros infantis, livros de banda desenhada, livros sobre movimentos artísticos, caricatura, cartoon, livros que trago das minhas viagens cheios de belas fotografias dos lugares que visito(visitava), livros sobre papel (como fazê-lo, a sua história), técnicas de pintura e desenho…essencialmente é isso! Livros que divertem, educam, ensinam, livros para olhar, muito. Do outro lado existe uma estante igual com livros de poesia."
9. Valter Ferraz from Perplexoinside :"Nossos livros aqui em casa não têm um lugar especial, como uma estante. Ficam espalhados por toda a casa.Já tivemos uma estante bem grande onde cabiam os mais de trezentos exemplares.Foram doados quando percebemos que as viagens constantes(inúmeras mudanças, vida de cigano!) estavam acabando com eles.Hoje alguns ficam num rack na sala, outros espalhados por mesinhas, cabeceira de cama, até nos banheiros encontramos alguns.E revistas, publicações e apostilas, tudo espalhado.Dá para ver que organização e ordem não é o forte da casa.Mas isso não tem a menor importância, eu acho. O importante é que gostamos dos livros e do que eles contém."
10. Beader Girl from Beader Girl Jewels : "You'll be wondering if my thoughts are consumed by money when you read that title but these pictures should allay your fears. My books consume a big part of my life. Here is a picture of one side of my library. I have catalogued all of my books (and most of my husband's) with my very own system adapted to my special space. (Dewey be damned.) Some of my favorite authors are Sharon Kay Penman, Herman Wouk, Alison Weir, Margaret Lawrence, Rutherfurd, Mary Stewart, Pauline Gedge, Colleen McCullough, Diana Gabaldon, Mary Higgins Clark, M.M. Kaye and Antonia Fraser. I like historical fiction, stuff with substance which makes a time or place come to life."
11. Patricia Storms from BookLust : "In the past couple months I have been going on and on about this treasured library of mine, but with nothing to show for it. Does she really have a library, or is she just living in happy-fantasyland? Yes and yes. Because when I enter this room, for me, it's like entering a fantasyland of sorts.(...) That bookshelf on the left side of the picture holds a lot of books about books, publishing, writing and words. The top shelf is displaying quite a few of my own hand-made books. Note the white shelf above for storing more books!"
12. Mary, from Mary's View : "We have books displayed all over the house. A bookcase here and there… So I thought I would photograph my hopefuls. These books are sitting on my nightstand and I’ve been ignoring them far too long. They are calling my name… “Mary! Please read me?” By the time I get into bed at night I am exhausted and I can only make a promise to open them and enjoy what they have to offer. The photo is of my daughter, taken five years ago and you will see my nightly ritual – Chapstick and Hand Cream."
13. Cris, from From Our Home to Yours :"Sonia at Leaves of Grass posted pictures of her books and invited us to participate, so I wanted to share with you some of my cooking books, that I have been collecting over the years, most of them were gifts, and they remind me of the people I love."
14. Tabor from One Day at a Time : "I promised Sonia at Leaves of Grass that I would post my books. They are a little sparse compared to her other friends photos, but I have given away about a dozen boxes of books--mostly paperbacks--to a church run store recently after my move. The professional books are still in boxes...and...This post also neglects to show the piles of books on each side of our ugly to photograph.Now I have space to fill the shelves with new books!"
15. Adelino P. Silva, from Mais ou Menos Nostalgia: "Sonia, eis a prometida foto do "cantinho dos meus livros". Na verdade, existe mais de um canto, mas mostramos apenas este. Como pode notar, não tem aquela organização que Valter Ferraz disse. Já pensei mesmo em catalogar os livros (hora e dia da compra, preço...), mas achei melhor escanear as capas, tarefa que até comecei, mas não consegui e nem consigo acabar... Digamos que seja uma "mixórdia organizada". Tem livro sobre cinema (História da MGM, RKO Radio, biografias de artistas e diretores), livros de Carlos Lacerda, Getúlio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros, Samuel Wayner, Alexandre Garcia, Joel Silveira, Villas-Bôas Corrêa, Luiz Maklouf Carvalho, Artur da Távola, Pedro Bial, Mário Palmério, José Cândido de Carvalho, Carlos Heitor Cony, David Nasser, Monteiro Lobato e tantos outros. Livros sobre a II Guerra Mundial, animais, esporte, Geografia etc. etc. Tem até porta-retrato, tem estatuetas que atrapalham na hora de retirar um livro, relógio antigo, carrinhos em miniatura. Se essa estante fosse uma geladeira teria um pingüim em cima dela. Como vê, sou um leitor eclético, Sonia."
MATEJ KRÉN's work is remarkable for its exceptional scope. In recent years his distinctive approach to sculpture, object, installation, drawing, print, painting, action art, film, music, sound and word has attracted attention at many prestigious international art shows.
11. You need to go visit Patricia’s library! You will enjoy the photos of her bookshelves that holds a lot of books about books, cartoons, arts, publishing, writings and many books of her own hand-made books. Patricia is cartoonist, illustrator and has a blog about books, named BookLust. Thanks Patricia for joining us!