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Friday, February 23, 2007


This is my submission for today's Photo Friday theme Textured

Crochet tablecloth made by my grandmother. My grandmother was a very talented artisan and her crochets were very beautiful.

These table runners and tapestries were woven in wool by my mother. My mother was a very creative, talented and an enthusiast wool weaver and teacher. She made many beautiful tapestries, rugs, blankets, ponchos, scarves, placemat set, cushion covers, table runners, bags, purses and so on.

Photos by myself

Click on photos to enlarge and to see details

Monday, February 19, 2007


My mother (Antonietta) was 18 years old at this time

My mother is the first in the row. All these girls are her cousins and were dressed with cossacks fancy

My mother is sitting on the ground

Old photos taken in São Paulo (1932)

Click on photos to enlarge

"The carnival is a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus and public street party, generally during the carnival season. It usually includes that people dress up / masquerade during the celebrations. An important part of the Brazilian Carnival takes place in Rio de Janeiro, with samba schools. These are large, social entities with thousands of members and a theme each year. Blocos are small informal groups also with a definite theme, usually satirical of the current political situation, and bandas are samba musical bands usually formed by enthusiasts in the same neighborhood.

From Salvador, Bahia another form of the Brazilian Carnival, the Trio Elétrico, has spread throughout the country. A trio elétrico is an adapted truck, with giant speakers and a platform where musicians play songs of local genres such as Axé music and Maracatu. The truck is driven around the city with the crowd following dancing and singing. It was originally staged by three Salvador musicians, Armandinho, Dodo & Osmar in the decade of 1950. Pernambuco has large Carnival celebrations, including the frevo, typical Pernambuco music."

Thursday, February 8, 2007


To you all that did not "meet" her yet, this is my dear Flora!
Flora loves so much to go for walks and when she suspects it is time for a walk and she sees the leash she gets very excited and does a "happy dance". She literally jumps in the air and spins in circles. She is anxious to go!

Here you see Flora and Carlos.

Click on photos to enlarge

Flora loves to catch the ball and run around the yard.

Flora does not like to be photographed. That’s always a challenge! She tends to get very shy and scary when she sees a camera. She hates the camera! She turns away her face or she lay down on the ground. So it is hard to get a good photo of Flora! I think she is afraid of it, either the flash or camera itself. I was wondering if anyone knows why?

As usual Flora hides from the camera when she sees me coming to film or photograph her.

Flora just doesn’t know how to pose for the camera

My daughter Sofia and Flora at my garden. Flora looks for her ball under Sofia's shoes.

But I always sneaked her in few photos.

Wow Flora, Laura is right, you are smiling!

You look so pretty!

Photos by Sonia Mascaro

You can see anothers photos of Flora here and here.

Click on photos to enlarge